Alfredo Quintana Mathematician & Data Scientist

Featured Projects


Iris Species Web App

  • Classification
  • Visualization
  • K-nearest neighbours

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R, this time I'm using it to develop an application that classifies a set of plants by Species : Setosa, Virginica, Versicolor. This is a simple project that ilustrates what we can do with the Rstudio tools.

Check it out

The State of Data Science

  • Data Exploration and Visualization

This project is a Kaggle Kernel about the state of data science in 2017 according to a industry-wide survey Kaggle conducted this year, the survey received over 16000 responses from people around the world. I want to show through a couple of visualizations things like where data scientists come from or what tools they are using, also I want to describe the profile of who is working with data.

Check it out

Sentiment Analysis Shiny App

  • Text Mining
  • Social Media Analysis

This is a basic shiny app that analyzes the sentiment of twitter data. The app was built using the tm library for text mining in R, twitteR library that allows R connect to the twitter API to get the tweets.

Check it out